
Thank you for emailing me on the subject of hunting.


Hunting is a very contentious issue on which strong views are held on both sides of the debate in the Horsham constituency as elsewhere.  It took some 60 years from the introduction of the first serious attempt to ban hunting for the legislation to pass and for a range of reasons many do not view the issue as fully settled and look to repeal or amend the legislation. 


Personally, given the major issues confronting the country, I don't view it as a priority issue.


You will appreciate you would like me to give a view on proposed legislation that would be subject to a "free vote" but which I haven't yet seen.  However as I answered both before the last general election and when it was raised as an issue at the start of the last parliament, I opposed the Hunting Act when it was first debated and my views have not significantly changed, therefore I would be likely to look positively on proposals to amend the Act.