Recent Inspection of Yesodey Hatorah Senior Girls School

Thank you for contacting me about the recent inspection of Yesodey Hatorah Senior Girls School.

Ofsted is tasked with inspecting all publically funded schools against the same published framework and standards. All maintained schools are required to promote pupils' spiritual, moral, social and cultural development, provide a rich and broad curriculum and ensure pupils are kept safe. This is what parents expect, and what the law demands.

I appreciate that there are concerns from religious organisations about their right to maintain their own beliefs in religious schools. As with any other issue, teachers are entitled to express their own faith or beliefs as long as they do so in a sensitive, balanced and professional way. I welcome that faith schools have the freedom to teach within the tenets of their faith but am clear that they must also comply with the law and ensure that all pupils are properly prepared for life in modern Britain.

The evidence shows that Jewish state schools are managing this successfully. In fact, Jewish state schools outperform other state schools when it comes to Ofsted judgements.

With regard to the specific inspection of Yesodey Hatorah Senior Girls School, you will appreciate that Ofsted, as an independent inspectorate, is responsible for the conduct and reporting of the inspection. I understand that HM Chief Inspector, Amanda Spielman has offered her personal assurance that the proper procedures have been followed in this case, that questioning of pupils has been appropriate, and that the inspection work and review process have been to the highest standard. I am encouraged that there is a complaints process in place which schools may be able to follow if they are unhappy about Ofsted's work.

Thank you again for taking the time to contact me.