UK Aid Budget

Thank you for contacting me about the aid budget.
Spending 0.7 per cent of gross national income on assistance to developing nations and international emergencies - alongside our commitment to spend 2 per cent of GDP on defence - delivers in our national interest. I believe Britain should continue to play an active, leading role in the world and that this is positive not only for us but for the many nations with whom we engage. 
Britain's aid spending has achieved many successes, of which we can all be proud. By building a safer, healthier, more prosperous world, we can also protect our own people from disease, conflict and instability. The Government is committed to ensuring UK Aid is invested firmly in our national interest, while keeping the promises it has made to the world's poorest people.
However, this commitment does not come at the expense of spending at home. We are increasing NHS spending by a minimum of £8 billion in real terms over the next five years. This will ensure that by 2020, everyone will be able to access GP services at evenings and weekends and I am delighted that we have just committed an extra £1.3bn to frontline schools spending over the next two years   - there are now more than 1.8 million more children in good or outstanding schools than in 2010. The core schools budget has been protected in real terms since 2010 and is set to rise from £41 billion in 2017-18 to over £42 billion in 2019-20.
Thank you again for contacting me.