Voting Age

Thank you for contacting me about the voting age. 
I welcome the ongoing discussions and debates on this issue. There was a rising level of interest in the issue although most polls do show that a majority of adults oppose the change. In the 16-18 cohort according to national polls (which one can never take totally as read) there is a modest majority of 16 year olds in favour, 17 year olds are evenly balanced, and 18 year olds are against.  This roughly accords with the discussions I have with school and college students of similar age where there is a very even divide in our area.  If anything I would say a majority locally of the 16-18 age range oppose lowering the voting age.   
In the UK, there is no single moment when someone moves from childhood to adulthood; instead responsibilities and permitted activities build up over time. For example, a person must be 17 before they can leave home without parents' consent or hold a driving licence and 18 before they can sit on a jury, buy alcohol or tobacco or serve in the armed forces in a conflict situation. I think this illustrates that, so far, we have viewed attainting adulthood as a process rather than a single event.
I also believe it is notable that most democracies consider 18 the right age to enfranchise young people. So far in the EU, only Austria and Scotland have lowered the voting age to 16 for national elections.
Of course, I am all for young people taking part in politics and I actively encourage young people to get involved (whatever their party-political views, if any).  Young people can, as I point out, have a huge practical impact on politics without actually voting.  I am all for them being involved but do not personally believe this should be extended to lowering the voting age.