Keeping Our Streets Safe

Our area remains one of the safest areas in the country. We are determined to keep it that way. Feeling safe in the communities in which we live and work is of huge importance.

I know that instances of anti-social behaviour and criminal activity can have a huge impact on how safe we all feel.

Under a Conservative Government and Conservative Sussex Police and Crime Commissioner we have a total of 679 additional officers in Sussex.

New systems and extra resources are supporting the policing of our Town Centre- including the newly established Horsham Town Team.

Please see below for updates on keeping our streets safe.


Police Praise for Action on "Car Meets"

On Friday 10th February Jeremy Quin Member of Parliament for Horsham held a public meeting at Kilnwood Vale Primary School to discuss concerns regarding a car “meet up” in January and car racing near Kilnwood Vale.

Preventing Crime

We are all alive to the concerns regarding the increased risk of violent incidents, especially late at night, in Horsham.  The Police have a plan in place but I wanted to see it in execution and joined them on foot patrol in the town centre from 10pm Friday night to 3am Saturday morning.

Keeping on Top of Crime

Before Christmas I convened a meeting with Police, HDC and local licencees because of concerns raised on late night anti-social behaviour and related incidents.  I am assured that the Police remain very focussed on disrupting activity, identifying and where appropriate bringing to justice those i

Resourcing our NHS and Tackling Local Crime

After a difficult summer, as feared, it is proving to be a challenging winter for the NHS with large numbers in hospital with flu as well as Covid.  The backlog in elective care built up over the Covid pandemic, while reducing, has added pressure on hospitals and GPs, as is the difficulty in disc