On Friday I popped into the Horsham Refugee Support Group drop-in session at the London Road Methodist Church. The drop-in sessions held on a Monday (at the Christian Life Centre) and a Friday 10-12 are for Ukrainians arriving to the area and their hosts. As well as the drop-ins, HRSG have produced a useful guides/links available on their website for anyone in the process of sponsoring through the Homes for Ukraine Scheme. More information about HSRG and the drop-in sessions and can be found on their website: https://www.horshamrefugeesupportgroup.co.uk/
The people of Ukraine remain very much in the forefront of our thoughts and I have been delighted to see how many people within the Horsham community have expressed support, whether it be donating money or flying Ukrainian flags. I recently visited St Peter’s Primary School, Ardingly where students are showing their support by holding a tallest sunflower competition.
On my visit to St Peter’s I saw the school’s new library recreated in an area once the sole preserve of computers. Laptop availability in the classroom as a standard learning tool has enabled the renaissance of a quiet area for individual and group learning.
Tech is now such an important part of all our everyday lives and it is vital that children are taught from a young age how to use and understand computers and computer software.
This is being actively encouraged at Millais School where I joined students for a “Code Club” session. Students, supported by their teacher and employees from RSA, they are encouraged to develop coding skills and to explore computer programming. I was very impressed by the creative codes the students were developing and delighted to see them all having fun while inspiring young women to consider opportunities in a hugely important and rapidly growing area.
The 16-20th May is Walk to School Week and I was delighted to join a huge number of Bohunt students walking and cycling to school using the newly opened bridge over the A264. Clearly there is a balance to be struck but where possible walking or cycling to school gives children the opportunity to exercise every day whilst also reducing traffic and pollution around schools.
Last week, West Sussex County Council launched a survey to get residents’ views on plans to improve walking and cycling around Forest School and reduce congestion. I have been supportive about WSCC’s plans but it is important that the community is aware of the proposals and WSCC get the details right. For those interested in learning more about the plans can find more information here: https://www.westsussex.gov.uk/news/have-your-say-on-proposed-cycling-walking-and-bus-improvements-in-horsham/