Exiting the EU

The UK voted to Leave the European Union in an historic Referendum on 23rd June, 2016. Whilst, on the basis of the revised terms agreed by David Cameron, Jeremy supported ‘Remain’ in the Referendum campaign, he pledged prior to the vote to honour the outcome of the Referendum and repeated this commitment as prior to the 2017 General Election.  Since the Referendum Jeremy has consistently voted in Parliament in line with this commitment.

When it was brought before the Commons, Jeremy supported the Withdrawal Agreement negotiated by the United Kingdom with the 27 remaining EU states.  He believes it represents a sensible and pragmatic route to leaving the EU while avoiding damaging economic dislocation.

The Withdrawal Agreement returns sovereignty to the UK: the UK will leave the jurisdiction of the ECJ; Parliament will resume full control of immigration policy, law and regulations in the UK; the UK will take back full control of our fishing waters and agricultural policy and much else besides.

The Agreement also protects the rights of UK citizens resident in the EU; ensures the Ireland/Northern Ireland border remains open; provides an implementation period to help UK businesses and farmers adjust and guarantees no customs, quotas or tariffs will be imposed on our trade with Europe.

Jeremy endeavours to respond to all residents who write to him on this important issue but regular updates on his views on what is a fast-changing situation are posted below.


Free Trade Deal with the EU

Parliament has voted to approve the Free Trade Deal with the EU.

It was an incredibly important step and one which I supported. 

Our New Future

Friday, 31st January was an historic day. The United Kingdom has left the EU. 

Challenges in Horsham and Westminster

The attack at the skatepark in Horsham Park this week is hugely shocking.  It is not what we expect in our town and will be deeply concerning to all - but especially young people and their parents.

These incidents are rare but any attack of this nature is extremely serious. 

Brexit Update

Following the result of the Brexit Referendum I have consistently supported respecting that vote through an orderly withdrawal on the basis of an agreed deal.

Resolving Brexit

We live in a representative democracy.  Back in 2015 Parliament voted overwhelmingly, with support across the House, to hold a national referendum on our membership of the European Union.  Parliament subsequently voted overwhelmingly to trigger “Article 50” (the process by which we leave). 

Update Following Inconclusive Second Round of Indicative Votes

Last night the Commons rejected all five proposals put to it:

Committing on exit to join the European Union Commons Union received 273 votes.

Committing to join the Customs Union and the Single Market received 261 votes.

A second referendum received 280 votes.